A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding, and she could find no cure. Coming up behind Jesus, she touched the fringe of his robe. Immediately, the bleeding stopped. Luke 8:43-44
The woman with issues.
The one who had been unhealed.
Yet, she touched Jesus.
Unclean, outcast, an altogether reject.
Yet, when she heard of this healer, this prophet, this Messiah..
She made a choice.
Amidst those who had called her unworthy. In the middle of the crowd, who all had their own intentions, she reaches out her hand in desperation for a touch.
She could have allowed the shame of her past to keep her from touching Him.
She could have allowed the stares of the crowd to keep her from touching Him.
She could have let the failures of not being healed before keep her from touching him.
Yet, she touched.
She decided that if she could find her healing in Him, that this touch was worth it. His touch could override every single disappointment, regret, fear, criticism, and tears of her past. This touch from Him could not only heal her from the outside, but from the inside.
One radical touch, one instantaneous healing. Shame, sickness, and fear
Yet, so many refuse to reach out to touch Him. They allow their shame to override their NEED to simply REACH OUT!
Shame blocks them from the victory that God wants to deliver to them.
These are the ones who say, “I will follow Christ, when I get my life in order.”

All the while, God is awaiting for you to be willing to reach out. In the middle of the chaos, critiques, sin, He looks eagerly for the one willing to touch His heart. He is looking for the one who is willing to step out the crowd and do the unthinkable..serve Him wholeheartedly.
The question is, what are the areas of your life that have shame written all over it? Reaching out to Him will be your key to victory.
Fighting depression…reach out.
In need of a miracle…reach out.
Anger issues…reach out.
From a fatherless home…reach out.
Struggling with addiction…reach out.
Feeling unloved, fearful, ashamed, rejected, oppressed, confused, alone..REACH OUT!
In the reaching out to Him, He will give you peace.
Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed.48 Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” Luke 8:47-48
Today I ask, what is your issue?
What are the areas of your life that only God can heal?
When will you be willing to break free of shame and just REACH out?
I invite you to pray this prayer below.
Dear Lord,
Thank you that shame will not be associated with name. Illuminate the areas of my life that I have allowed shame to hold me back. Thank you Father that I’ve survived every attack that the enemy has tried to use to kill, steal, and destroy me. I praise you that you have not come to point fingers at me, but to lift me up and surround me in your love. I break association with every name and word over my life that has broken me. Thank you Father that this week I will walk in the joy of the Lord. I decree that this week will be full of unexpected favor and victory in every arena. Amen.
This article is a part of our Victory Blockers series. We pray that God gives you wisdom and strategy to overcome shame once and for all. For more on a life of victory, follow here AND subscribe here.
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