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Learning to Embrace the Process

Writer's picture: Victoria Riollano of Victory SpeaksVictoria Riollano of Victory Speaks

There is no end without a beginning.

Over the last few days, this has been a conversation in my home. It all started three days ago when I came across an ad for dance classes in my area. What was so eye-catching about these classes is that my oldest daughter was the perfect age range for many of the classes, specifically the Lyrical/Modern dance class. However, in small print the description for the Lyrical class stated, “Ballet is required.” As a student who has done dance off and on through the years, she cringed when she saw this message. The truth is, she hates ballet. Once she heard that she may have to redo ballet, her desire to join the class faded quickly. She was full of disappointment when she realized she couldn’t jump right into the desire of her heart. This is when the conversation started.

“Sweetheart, you have to go through the process.”

Here’s the thing, every great dancer has taken ballet. In fact, many football players take ballet as well. Yesterday, the ballet teacher at the dance studio reminded us, “Ballet is the foundation for all dance.” So, although my daughter would love to jump right into the class she desires, the process remains the same. Ballet or nothing!

As I spent time with the Lord this week, I realized that I’ve struggled in the same way. I wanted to accomplish certain things quickly. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go through the process, I just wished God would ricochet me through said process faster than everyone else. In my immaturity, I believed that with enough prayer I wouldn’t need as much action. Has anyone ever been there? Much like my daughter’s desire to jump ahead, I desired to buy the home, become a well-known worship leader, and start a church, with as much ease as possible. I quickly learned that in order to do these things perseverance, patience, hard lessons, and building connections were all a part of the process. I am convinced that God requires you to go through the process to build your character.

Let’s pause for a moment. If we simply wish for things to go our way, and God gives it every time, what would we have learned? Would we have learned to trust God? Would we become spoiled Christians only seeing the Lord as genie? Could it be that the victory is in the process more than the accomplishment itself?

Throughout the Bible, many had to be developed before stepping into their call. Simon Peter, a disciple of Jesus, was a perfect example of this growth. Starting off as a fisherman, Peter was told about Jesus from his brother Andrew. Peter quickly becomes a part of the Jesus’s inner circle. Yet, his story is one of ups and downs. Peter walks on water in Matthew 14:29. By, Matthew 16:18, Jesus tells Peter that he will be instrumental in building the church. Shortly after, this same Peter denies Jesus three times (Luke 22:54-62). Yet, in Acts Peter recovers from the shame and ministers to many, with over 3,000 coming to the Lord in one sermon.

Peter is a perfect example of going through the process. He did not start ministering the gospel day one. In fact, Peter spent time with Jesus. He was willing to trust Jesus to walk on water and see Jesus for who He was when no one else would. Peter made poor choices from cutting off an ear to acting like He didn’t know Jesus at all! Peter’s process wasn’t pretty, but it was necessary. His faith was built as He saw Jesus move in his life. His understanding of God’s restoration and ability to forgive was seen in his life own when he denied Jesus. Through it all, Peter grew!

Your process may not be pretty, but it is necessary!

Today, I want to encourage you to no longer fight the process. The Lord is using every moment now to prepare you for what He’s called you to do. I can assure you of this…

The “no’s” you receive now are preparation for your “yes” in the future!

The church hurt now will teach you to love God’s people more.

The pain now will ignite your passion.

Your preparation now will set the tone for your success later.

My friends, your next victory may will be a reflection of your process! Much like my daughter who wants to jump right into an advanced dance class, it is essential that we don’t skip the “ABC’s” of life and faith. It will all be worth it in the long run.

Victory Verses

Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus- Philippians 1:6

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4


For more on living a life of complete Victory, I invite you to purchase my latest book, The Victory Walk: A 21 Day Devotional by clicking here.

In this 21-day devotional you will learn all about how to live a victorious life! Victory is not subtle. In fact, it is a violent proclamation that you can win against all odds! The reality is that most people will live a life of defeat because they are unaware that the mundane, lackluster life does not belong to those who have accepted Christ! Christ says "I have come to give you life, and life more abundantly"! The abundant life or full life is the victorious life! All we have to do is accept this life and walk in it! It's time to walk in victory from this day forward. This book is broken into three unique sections to get you started on your journey! Section one will focus on victory, itself. What is victory? How can I get it! Section two points out victory blockers in your everyday life! Shame, unforgiveness, fear! There are many more but let's start there. The last section is all about how to "walk the walk" and "talk the talk". It’s not good enough to learn about victory, yet have no tools to move forward! The last section is where things start moving and if you dig in, the results will be life changing! Grab your pencil and your Bible, and let's start walking the victory walk!

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Victory Speaks 2016

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