She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me." Genesis 16:13 Out of all the Bible stories, this story of Hagar’s intimate moment with God is one of my favorites. While many enjoy the the parting of the Red Sea by Moses or David's ability to beat Goliath, I can’t help but connect with Hagar.
One who was broken, neglected, a victim of circumstance, fearful and DONE.
Done with the way she had been treated by one who she cared for. Done with trying to help others get what they were dreaming for. Done with trying to fit into the box her society placed on her. Done with living and feeling unappreciated.
Have you ever felt done?
This is where we find Hagar moments before she is the first in history to give God a name, Beer Lahai Roi, the One who sees me.
For context, in Genesis 16, Sarai comes up with a plan for Hagar (her maidservant) and Abram (her husband) to sleep together. This was in hopes of fulfilling God's promise to give Abram an heir and make him the father of many (Genesis 12-18). Sarai, being unable to conceive, offers Hagar to her Abram as a way to bring a child into the family. Per the custom of the day, a servant like Hagar, would have no control over choosing to be with Abram. Shortly after becoming pregnant, things go awry. Sarai starts to treat Hagar very poorly. So much so, that Hagar runs away into the wilderness to escape the brutal treatment. It is at this moment that the Lord appears to Hagar.
The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert; it was the spring that is beside the road to Shur. And he said, “Hagar, slave of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going?” Genesis 16:7-8
In this moment, the Lord gives Hagar a plan to return to Sarai but also shares intimate details about the son she is carrying. He even tells her that within her womb are many descendants. Her child wasn't just significant for the moment, but for generations to come. This knowing that there was more and that the Lord had His eyes on her was life-changing for Hagar. In her darkest hour, the Lord found her and gave her comfort.
And in this moment, she calls him, The One Who Sees Me.
Today, friends, I need you to know that you serve a God who sees you.
He sees where you are in this moment and the pain that has been inflicted.
He sees the circumstances that you didn't to be a part of.
He sees those who do not value your worth.
But, He also sees what you are carrying.
He sees the plan for you and your generations to come.
He sees that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.
He sees that every amount of brokenness will be turned around for beauty.
He sees a woman or man of strength and courage that perseveres no matter what the world throws their way.
He sees YOU, in all the imperfections, tragedy, heartache, circumstance, and disappointments, and He says..."Don't worry, I have a plan. Don't give up yet, there is more I want to birth through you."
The truth is, I have been in this place that we find Hagar or that you may find yourself. I've reached the point of being so done with life that escaping seemed like the only possible route. I can recall moments of deep depression and needing someone to save me from my own thoughts of wanting to no longer live. Yet, each time the Lord sought me in these wilderness moments. He reminded me that I was loved by Him. He validated me in areas that others had disregarded.
God saw me when I couldn't see myself.
He loved me when I forgot to love myself.
He encouraged me when I couldn't encourage myself.
He motivated me to keep going.
Today, friends, I implore you to remember the intimate nature of the God we serve. Just as he saw a pregnant handmaid thousands of years ago, He sees you. Just as He saved my life from my darkest time, so He can do the same for you! Surely, our God watches over you intentionally and will see to it that you come out of your pain stronger than before.
Keep believing. Keep praying. Keep seeking the One Who Sees You.
Victory Verse
I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand. Psalm 121:1-5