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Joseph Riollano

The Chase is On

My son David is all about me. He’s the first person that greets me, he’s always wanting to be around me, he’s always wanting to sit next to me and he’s always trying to sit on my lap.

This kid can even feel my presence.

If he’s playing a game, watching TV or a game on my cell phone and he realizes that my presence is not around him, he will start looking for me...

Like aggressively looking for me.

He will call my name until he hears me and then he will keep calling my name until he finds me.

Crazy right?

This is all day, everyday. So you know how he feels whenever I have to go on deployment. My wife told me that he literally asks for me every single day. And it tugs at my heartstrings. As annoying as this may or may not sound, I wouldn’t trade this feeling in for the world. The bond and love I have for my youngest son and all of my children, overcomes any of the annoyances I have or sacrifices I make.

My question to you...

Are you chasing after God (your Heavenly Father) the same way?

Are you always seeking opportunities to be in His presence, sit next to him or sit on His lap?

Are you shouting out His name looking for Him when you don’t feel Him around?

Do you make it an effort to be the first one to greet Him when He shows up? Think about those questions for a minute.

Just like my son David seeks me, in the same way we need to seek Jesus. We need to make every effort in everyday to be in His presence.

We need to aggressively seek Him, like our lives depend on it. Which it does!

There are times that David doesn’t do the right thing. Most of those times he gets disciplined. Even in those times of discipline, he doesn’t run away from me he actually runs towards me. David knows I’m upset with his behavior, but he also knows that my love for him truly outweighs those emotions.

David in the Bible, understood the importance of being in the Lords presence.

Psalms 27:4 NKJV “One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple.”

Even when he messed up, instead of running away from God, he ran towards him. He knew that his relationship with the Lord was the most important thing in his life. He had so much passion for the Lord that it’s documented that he would dance naked in the streets worshiping God.

Now, you don’t have to dance naked in the street. That actually may be against the law. But, the question here is,

how much do you cherish the Lords presence?

How hard are you willing to chase after that? That’s really for you to decide. I know with my son, the harder he goes after me, the more of my love he gets. Ultimately, that’s what David wants … well that … and my cell phone … and also … cookies! If you go after the Lord the same way, you’ll be able to experience more of His love, and even the "cookies" (aka the desires of your heart). His love is ultimately what we need in our life, of course

His love changes things, His love makes things right, His love breaks chains and releases you from bondage.

Let’s go after that Love today and everyday.

The Chase Is On!

And pull at your heartstrings, I introduce you to my son, David.


Joseph Riollano is a father, friend, and minister residing in the DC metro area. He serves his country in the U.S. Coast Guard. He is most known for his time as a youth minister and has an anointing for helping to build ministries. His specialty is evangelism and he has a goal of being a church planter alongside his wife, Victoria. Joseph assists with Victory Speaks as well as runs Enlighten Ministry, a ministry focused on shinning the light on God's love for his children. You can check out his website by clicking here.

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