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Get UP! Four Steps To Freedom!

Writer's picture: Victoria Riollano of Victory SpeaksVictoria Riollano of Victory Speaks

Over the last week or so my head has been BANGING! Like a sharp piercing to the skull here and there. It's affected every area of my life. I've prayed and prayed...and NOTHING!  Yet today, I heard the Lord say, ”Get UP!” Within 5 minutes of choosing to move around, clean, and prepare dinner, my headache was GONE! Grabbing my head in pain, popping pain meds were not enough. I had to do something tangible to change the atmosphere and get rid of the pain. For some of us, we've allowed the pain of betrayal, regrets, and disappointments to overtake our lives for long enough and its time to GET UP! Its time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves, forgive those who've hurt us, get help, and find TANGIBLE ways to change the situation. Pray, yes! But MOVE, also!

Within 30 minutes of choosing to get UP, the Lord began to show me that there are people throughout the Bible who needed to get up from their situation and move into freedom.

Peter denied Jesus, yet he got up and would help save thousands. 

Joseph was betrayed, thrown in a pit, a prison, and falsely accused, yet he got up and forgave.

Hannah was ridiculed for not being able to have a child, but she got up and kept believing for the son she would eventually birth. 

The woman with the issue of blood had tried every possible avenue, yet when she saw Jesus, she was willing to reach towards him. She got up! 

Each person faced difficulty and decided they had to keep going. Giving up was not an option! It was time to move on. Certainly, this is easier in some situations versus others. Some battles we face are completely not our faults. However, no matter what the circumstance, we get to choose how long we stay defeated.

Today, I want to share with you four practical ways we can GET UP! 

1.) Immerse Your Atmosphere in His Presence

One tangible way I do this in my home is by having worship music in my home. At any given moment, my home is immersed in songs that remind me of the  God I serve. I’ve found that this shifts the physical environment of my home as my children (and myself) tend to calm down with this music. 

Spiritually, having worship in the home feeds my spirit and reminds me of His love for me at times when I’m feeling depleted. I am a strong believer that faith comes by hearing. 

It’s important to evaluate what we are choosing to hear! I encourage you to download songs that can remind you of His words over you. This music may be what helps you to get up and stay up! 

2.) Find A Safe Person To Talk To

One trick of the enemy is isolation. However, the Bible is clear that wise counsel is necessary for victory! 

Proverbs 11:14- Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory.

Proverbs 19:20 Listen to counsel and accept discipline, That you may be wise the rest of your days.

Sometimes, putting ourselves “out there” is the best thing we can do. It places us in a position to get a little tough love and encouragement. This is especially true when the person we choose to talk to has been where we are and can give us biblical truths to help us along the way. 

3.) Praise God In Advance!

Acts 16:25-26- Along about midnight, Paul and Silas were at prayer and singing a robust hymn to God. The other prisoners couldn’t believe their ears. Then, without warning, a huge earthquake! The jailhouse tottered, every door flew open, all the prisoners were loose.

When we praise, chains start to loose! This is seen perfectly with Paul and Silas. The very foundation of the jail started to shake as they lifted their voices. 

Praise is an intercessory weapon. Even in the story of Jericho (Joshua 6:1-27),  it would be praise that would bring the walls DOWN! Start to thank God for what he’s going to do! 

Thank God for healing you!

Thank God for helping you to forgive!

Thank God for taking away your depression!

Praise Him as if it’s already done! As loud and joyful as you need to praise, do it. You will be amazed at how much your situation will start to shift! 

4.) Give it to God, and GET UP!

Now is the time to physically get up! Do something tangible to change your atmosphere. Ask God to take away the pain and show you what you need to do next! Maybe it’s getting out of bed, maybe it’s reaching out to a loved one for help, maybe it’s leaving the safety of your comfort zone, but by all means, get UP! God wants you to pray, but He also wants you to move. He is a gentleman and won’t force you Into your breakthrough. We must make a choice to accept God’s gift of freedom and peace. We can’t do this and wallow in self-pity. Peace and pity cannot reside in the same place.

Friends, your trial has an expiration date! How you choose to move forward is completely up to you. These are just four practical steps to freedom. It may take prolonged times of prayer, journaling, counseling, fasting and more to break completely free, especially if you’ve found yourself in a dark place. However, every step you take counts! Ask God for wisdom on the matter.

Let’s not give this situation one more day to ruin what God has for you! 

It's time to get up in Jesus Name

If you are in need of prayer and advice on how to get up and out of your current situation, message


For more on this week's topic, Get UP! Head over to Itunes, Anchor, Stitcher, Spotify, or Google Podcasts and check out Victory Talk With Victoria's latest episode, Get UP-Four Steps Towards Freedom!

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