Calling all children of God! It's time to blow the trumpet! Not your own trumpet but the trumpet of the Lord! In a generation where Christian values are critiqued and ostracized by the world, God is seeking those who will continue to boldly declare the Word of the Lord! Those who will boldly declare the victory of the Lord for the world to see! Those will let God's victory resound through their lives every day! Are you willing to be a trumpet blower in these last days? If so, you are needed! Better YET, you are REQUIRED to live out who God has called you to be! You are REQUIRED to let the words "Thy will be done" the heart beat of your soul. In the Old Testament we see that trumpets are often use as a call for war. However, in the New Testament they are a prophetic sign of what's to come!
As my pastor Ashley Edwards said recently " You are a trumpet for God! Sound the trumpet! Speak to me Lord! Do what you need with me and through me". Is this your heartfelt cry? If so the days of distraction and allowing others to discredit your calling are over! The days of second guessing God's word can be no more. The world needs you to live out your full purpose. The world needs you to relentlessly pursue His plans for your life. The world needs you to tell them about the One who saved you and the victory that comes along with being a child of God! We see that the trumpet is a divine wake up call! So while you are living the plans God has for you, do not forget God is calling you to stay awake in this hour. He is calling for you to be ready and open for a new way of doing things. Stay alert to the enemy's devices but also keep your ears opening to what God is commanding of you in these moments! Sound the trumpet today! Refuse to be shaken! Live a life worthy of the Lord. Let the victory of Christ speak to all through your words and your actions! Joel 2:1 Blow a trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, For the day of the LORD is coming; Surely it is near.