Dear mom,
I see you.
Exhausted from the crying little one.
Exhausted from life.
Exhausted from expectations of work, family, and beyond...
Worn out from dishes and laundry loads
Worn out from the unexpected "fun" of motherhood.
Exhausted from hearing "It will be over before you know it".
Unfortunately, the days when your children will accept their high school diploma could be over a decade away. And you are still left, TY-YAHD!
I get it. As a mother of five with two part time jobs and a full plate, I get it. Sometimes you want to run, but you never really want to run. In fact, those cute drawings for mommy, sweet good night kisses, and excitement when they see you, keeps you plugged into the joy of motherhood. No matter how crazy the day before is, you find yourself checking on them as they sleep. You find yourself excited to create those "moments" with your children. You find you can't get away from the "m" word. You are unequivocally, undeniably, a "mommy".
I was once a part of group that called the journey of motherhood a beautiful mess.
STOP! How many of you just thought...oh it a mess, alright???
Let's be honest motherhood is sticky. Sticky, poopy, slimy, and many other adjectives! It can get crazy! BUT in it all, through it all it's beautiful. It is beautiful! (If you are having a hard mommy day, you may need to say that line a few times, I understand).
Motherhood is a beautiful gift! Many pray for years to experience the joy of birth and parenting. And these little ones, a reflection of us, are each a blessing. Each one created intricately on purpose and given the mother of their dreams, YOU!
It was no accident that you ended up with your children. The Lord knew you were made of the right stuff to guide this little one to where they needed to be. And in the process, this beautiful messy process, you learn more about YOU! I find, I learn many lessons about me in the context of "we".
For example, have you ever noticed the more irritated you are...the more irritated your children are? The more joyful you are....the more joyful your children are. These little ones reflect well. This is just one of the many lessons I've learned just by opening my heart in the rough times.
Dear tired mom,
In the midst of your frustration, I encourage you to embrace your beautiful moments. I encourage you to recognize you have what it takes. Take moments to pause when you get overwhelmed...and ask where's the beauty in this messy moment? I can assure you if you ask the Lord, He will answer.
Perhaps your child's stubbornness , reminds you of how you are with others?
Perhaps your children's arguing is your reminder that you and your significant other should communicate better? (OUCH!)
Maybe your child's refusal to get in their car seat is your reminder of how God protects you even when you fight it?
EACH moment an opportunity for the Lord to teach you how to be the best version of you! It gets no more beautiful than THIS!
Dear tired mom,
Will you choose to see the beauty in the mess?
Will you choose to see opportunities of victories in your motherhood versus defeat?
Will you embrace that your call to motherhood is a gift even when you feel like it's a curse.
My friend, when you can answer yes to these questions your entire motherhood journey will turn upside down. I pray you seek God's voice when it's not so easy and that you will embrace these motherhood moments from now until high school graduation day and beyond!
Psalm 127:3-Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
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