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Do I Really Need Me Time?

Joseph Riollano

1 Kings 8:54 And so it was, when Solomon had finished praying all this prayer and supplication to the Lord, that he arose from before the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.

The position of prayer, at times, can be important. When you kneel, you are putting yourself in a position that has very few distractions. This position may be uncomfortable,but the benefits can’t be numbered.

In this position you can focus.

The focus of prayer should not be giving God a list of things you want him to do. The focus should be on TELLING God how much you love him. If you spend more time TELLING God about how amazing He is and how much He means to you, God will give you and tell you everything you need and want to know.

Everyone needs ME time, but maybe you can use some of that time for KNEE time.

In the KNEE time questions are answered, blessings are given and wisdom is downloaded. Jesus is the best kind of app you can download. When you pray try taking a knee and see what the Lord shows you!

Even Jesus prayed in this most humble way.

"And when He came to the place, He said to them, "Pray that you may not enter into temptation." And He withdrew from them about a stones throw, and knelt down and prayed" Luke 22:40-41

Recently, I put the knee time into practice. One morning I prayed on my knees in my living room. I told the Lord how amazing he was to me and how much I needed him in my life. Honestly I didn't think much of it. After my prayer time, which was about 15 minutes, I got up and went to work. On my way to get my car pool buddies, I got this impression about one of the guys hips. When I pulled up to his house, he got into my van and started to tell me how much his hip was hurting.


Even though during my prayer I didn't get any impressions, the time I used to get my downloads paid off. The end of the story is I shared with him what the Lord told me. I asked if I could pray for him. He, of course, said yes. When I prayed for him, the Lord directed my prayer not only for his hip put certain people in his family. He was very thankful, after I prayed for him. When we were on our way home, I asked him how his hip was feeling and he said it was better. Amen!

Knee time will always take you further than your ME time. Knee time recognizes that it's all about Him and His desires for my life. Not my own way doing things!

I challenge you to shake things up this week in your prayer life. There is victory in the knee time.


About the Author

Joseph Riollano

Joseph Riollano is a father, friend, and minister residing in the DC metro area. He serves his country in the U.S. Coast Guard and his local church, Relentless. He is most known for his time as a youth minister and has an anointing for helping to build ministries. His specialty is Helps ministry and he has a goal of being a church planter alongside his wife, Victoria. Follow his page, Add Victory to learn more about how you can add victory to your life and your local ministry by clicking here.

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Victory Speaks 2016

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