Anyone who knows Brandy knows that she loves God, family and Disney!
Not only does Brandy love Disney but she has worked over twenty years creating amazing vacations for families! That alone is pretty cool...huh! But there is more to Brandy than just a Disney Travel Specialist!
Brandy Posey has not only created a source of great revenue for her family with her travel agency, Fairytale Adventures Travel, she has also helped other. Brandy Posey went from only a few staff to over 25 agents who work alongside her. Brandy has used her connections and passion to help stay at home mothers, and people who need extra income generate their own income for their family. I can personally say that she is not just a boss! She has a true passion for each of her Fairytale agents to thrive inside and outside of the business. Any agent can look to Brandy for life advice, prayer and wisdom.
Brandy's ability to create a successful company and inspire others is a great reason she can be called a woman of victory. However, that's just a fraction of what she does that makes her victorious.
In the last year, Brandy and her husband made a huge move to transition out of the military But this did not slow the family. Instead, Brandy's husband Matthew was able to help in the building of their local church. Since then, Brandy dedicates much of her time to her church home, Lifepointe Church in Florida. One of Brandy's most rewarding experiences was to help plan their recent vacation bible school.
Brandy travels all over the world while still staying grounded in her local community and church.
Her victory shines through in so many ways. Brandy's ability to change her passion to a successful company, her ability to manage with love, her faith that inspires. and her passion for her local church makes her a women of great victory!
You make the victorious life look easy!
To learn more about Brandy's travel agency, check out her site www.fairytaleadventurestravel.com
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