Jessica House
Apr 16, 2018
A Letter to Fear
Dear Fear,
As I sit here and contemplate on what I want to say to you, I can feel your presence. I literally have a ball of knots in my sto

Karissa Smith
Mar 29, 2018
Ashamed No More
... and they hid. Tormented by the pain of the deed. Feeling all of a sudden different. The act that they committed... It changed...

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Mar 21, 2018
Feeling Defeated?
The defeated mindset will block you from your victorious life. Let's consider the life of Moses versus the story of David and Goliath.

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Mar 15, 2018
Fear, The Enemy's Weapon to Block Your Victory
I have a story to share. I think if you take a moment you may relate to this story of pizza, a door, and a dash of fear. It happened...