Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Feb 12, 2020
Start An Outbreak
It only takes one person to start an outbreak. Weeks ago, I started to watch a series called, “Pandemic.” Out of all that was shared, one...

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Jan 14, 2020
9 Signs God is Opening A Door
2020 is off to an amazing start! I couldn't be more thrilled to share with you Ibelieve.com's top article of 2019! My prayer is that this...

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Jan 17, 2019
Surviving The Shutdown in Faith
I never quite understood famines. Throughout the Bible, we see times of famine and drought. Honestly, I have often glazed over the verses...

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Dec 11, 2018
Are You Praying For Witty Ideas?
It all starts with an idea. The light bulb. The electrical outlet. The computer. The internet. Facebook. All of these inventions were...

Victoria Riollano of Victory Speaks
Sep 12, 2018
Semper Paratus! Always Ready...
Semper Paratus- a Latin phrase, meaning "Always ready.” Semper Paratus. This phrase may be meaningless to many. However, in my home it is...